Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

The love of God is always first, and requires all of us, but once we love God above all else, we inevitably learn to love our neighbor with a pure and holy love, a love that seeks their true good, always tempered by morality. Love of neighbor is meaningless without love of God, just as love of God with love of neighbor is vain. Let us love God first and foremost, and with that love, serve our fellowman.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Bartimaeus, a man born blind, has the courage to call out to Jesus for help, calling him the son of David. Despite his blindness, he sees more clearly than the rest. Jesus calls him, and asks him what he wants. Bartimaeus answers immediately - I want to see. May we be as ready to ask Jesus we want to see our vocations as this man.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

The readings this weekend help us to reflect on the reality of marriage. Marriage is a natural institution created by God in the very beginning. He created humanity as male and female, and the complementarity of the sexes is for the continuation of the human race. The institution of marriage is given to assure the raising of children in an ideal environment. In the Gospel, Jesus is questioned about the nature of divorce, and He responds that the Law allows divorce because of the hardness of heart - because of sin. But Jesus reminds them that this is not the way it was meant to be. Throughout the Gospel, Jesus raises the institution of marriage to a sacrament. Marriage is to have five traits, and as a sacrament, those traits are strengthened by grace: Free, total, Fruitful, faithful, and permanent. The fact that we have to add that Marriage is between one man, one woman, is proof that we have fallen further away from God and His will. May we have the strength and courage to proclaim the beauty of marriage as a reflection of original justice and God's plan for the propagation and education of children.