Thursday, April 24, 2014
A few weeks ago, Bishop LeVoir invited me to resign from the Office of Vocations. Recognizing that I have served as director of Vocations for 11 years, with a year of service as director of seminarians, he reminded me that I have worked hard, and while I have served well, it is time to allow someone else serve so that I can focus on the parishes I have also been assigned to serve. The following is adapted from my letter to Bishop LeVoir, accepting his offer to resign:
It was with humility that I accepted the position 12 years ago, understanding the onerous task that was ahead. It is with even deeper humility that I depart, knowing that there is still so much to be done. I take some modest pride in what has been accomplished in planting seeds of vocations awareness through out the Diocese…
I offer my support to my successor(s), whomever they may be, and would willingly offer any insight I may have if asked. Of course, I will continue to promote a culture of vocations on the parish and Area Faith Community level, and will continue to invite young men and women to hear and respond to the call of Christ in their lives as priests, brothers, or sisters. I remain, as always, a servant who has simply tried to do what was required of him.
As of July 1, I will be released from the Office of Vocations. It is bittersweet that I depart. As of that time, I will change the title of this blog, and hopefully with a little more time, will blog more! Please keep my successor in prayer!
Seventh Day of Divine Mercy Novena (Easter Thursday)
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Sixth Day of Divine Mercy Novena (Easter Wednesday)
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Fifth Day of Divine Mercy Novena (Easter Tuesday)
Most Merciful Jesus, Goodness Itself, You do not refuse light to those who seek it of You. Receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls of those who have separated themselves from Your Church. Draw them by Your light into the unity of the Church, and do not let them escape from the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart; but bring it about that they, too, come to glorify the generosity of Your mercy.
Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls of those who have separated themselves from Your Son's Church, who have squandered Your blessings and misused Your graces by obstinately persisting in their errors. Do not look upon their errors, but upon the love of Your own Son and upon His bitter Passion, which He underwent for their sake, since they, too, are enclosed in His Most Compassionate Heart. Bring it about that they also may glorify Your great mercy for endless ages. Amen.
Monday, April 21, 2014
Fourth Day of Divine Mercy Novena (Easter Monday)
Divine Mercy Novena - Fourth Day - Prayer for Fourth Day of Divine Mercy Novena Most compassionate Jesus, You are the Light of the whole world. Receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls of those who do not believe in God and of those who as yet do not know You. Let the rays of Your grace enlighten them that they, too, together with us, may extol Your wonderful mercy; and do not let them escape from the abode which is Your Most Compassionate Heart.
Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls of those who do not believe in You, and of those who as yet do not know You, but who are enclosed in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. Draw them to the light of the Gospel. These souls do not know what great happiness it is to love You. Grant that they, too, may extol the generosity of Your mercy for endless ages. Amen.