Saturday, August 23, 2008
Prayers for Butch Hendrickson
We are asking for your prayers for one of seminarians, Butch Hendrickson. He had an accident water tubing last week and broke his nose. In the surgery to correct it, they discovered that he has also fractured his skull onto his sinus cavity. He will need further surgery, and additional time to heal and recover.
Yet Another Seminarian
We are pleased to publicly announce that we have accepted another young man as candidates for the seminary. Samuel Wagner will be in pre-Theology at St. Paul Seminary. He is from Sleepy Eye. This brings our total seminarians to 10! May God bless us with more!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
In the Lord's ministry, there were people that He seemed to 'lead on', as in this Sunday's Gospel. This pagan women comes begging for help, and he feigns disinterest, unwillingness, and general contempt. He tells her that is is wrong to give her what she wants when there are so many Jews who need Him, but does so in analogy - it is wrong to throw the food out to the dogs while the children are still eating. She respectfully admits that she is not worthy of His help, but that even an indoor dog will accept the scraps that are given to it. Jesus sees that she is sincere with her faith, and grants her request, complimenting her on her deep faith.
In our prayer, we might feel like the Lord is not listening, that He is putting us off. We might need to consider are we asking for something that is good and holy, and if so, are we being persistent? The Lord does answer sincere prayers. Some are: Help me to know You. Show me where I can serve you. In the Sacraments, He hears and responds to the prayer, give me strength, forgive me, renew my heart... Let us be persistent in asking, but always aware that we are made worthy by the the Lord.
In our prayer, we might feel like the Lord is not listening, that He is putting us off. We might need to consider are we asking for something that is good and holy, and if so, are we being persistent? The Lord does answer sincere prayers. Some are: Help me to know You. Show me where I can serve you. In the Sacraments, He hears and responds to the prayer, give me strength, forgive me, renew my heart... Let us be persistent in asking, but always aware that we are made worthy by the the Lord.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
This weekend, we hear the episode of Peter strolling on the water with Jesus. He musters the courage to leave the boat behind, to get out on to the waves and to walk to Jesus. Everything goes well - until he realizes the waves and the wind. Only then does he start to fall. He cries out, and the Lord grasps him, chides him for his lack of faith. But they had to get back into the boat - how did they do that? They had to walk back, with Jesus beside him, Peter was able to walk again.
So often, we find it easy to walk wherever it is. It is really not our effort, but rather that our eyes are fixed on Christ. As long as we do, we will be alright. But when we take our eyes off of Him, when we focus on the things come at us instead of to Whom we are heading, we are destined to sink. We can cry out like Peter and the saints, "Lord, save me!", and He will. He will grasp us by the hand, pull us onto the waves, and take us for a walk. That is where we need to be. There is no comfort like being in the arms of our Lord, walking with Him.
May we continue to walk with Him in the discernment of our vocations. May He speak to us what plans He has for us.
So often, we find it easy to walk wherever it is. It is really not our effort, but rather that our eyes are fixed on Christ. As long as we do, we will be alright. But when we take our eyes off of Him, when we focus on the things come at us instead of to Whom we are heading, we are destined to sink. We can cry out like Peter and the saints, "Lord, save me!", and He will. He will grasp us by the hand, pull us onto the waves, and take us for a walk. That is where we need to be. There is no comfort like being in the arms of our Lord, walking with Him.
May we continue to walk with Him in the discernment of our vocations. May He speak to us what plans He has for us.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Eighteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time
Jesus meets all human needs. While we say that, we might ask how. When He looks at us with the same mercy that He had with the crowds of His day, does He see our hunger, too? How does He meet this hunger? In the multiplication of loaves, He shows us.
He meets our needs through the Eucharist, when He takes our bread, blesses it, breaks it, and gives it back to his disciples (the priest) who give it to the people.
We cannot so easily dismiss this miracle without destroying our understanding of the Eucharist as Catholics. Let us remember, Christ is still multiplying the loaves in our own day, but now through the hands of the priest, taking the offering of the people of God, and making it His Body and Blood!
He meets our needs through the Eucharist, when He takes our bread, blesses it, breaks it, and gives it back to his disciples (the priest) who give it to the people.
We cannot so easily dismiss this miracle without destroying our understanding of the Eucharist as Catholics. Let us remember, Christ is still multiplying the loaves in our own day, but now through the hands of the priest, taking the offering of the people of God, and making it His Body and Blood!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The 40th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae
Cardinal Stafford, of the Sacred Penitentiary in Rome and an American prelate, has a thought-provoking article in the California Catholic daily on his personal review of the events surrounding the publication of Humanae Vitae entitled “In 1968, something terrible happened in the Church”. While it is long, it is a well-written piece that helps to tell the history of the dissent. I will not begin to do justice to his clarity, so please take time to read it.
With the fortieth anniversary of the publication of Humanae Vitae today (promulgation was actually on the 25th, the Feast of St. James), perhaps we ought to recapture what Pope Paul VI wrote. In Humanae Vitae, for a little review, the Pope taught that there is an inseparable, intrinsic link between union and procreation in every sexual act. He stated that acts rendered infertile by artificial means cease to honor this link, and could not be viewed as moral. He predicted that the embracing of contraception would lead to several evils: The objectification of women (and I would add men), the rift of husband and wife and weakening of family, and the intrusion of the State into other affairs (while he meant forced sterilization and abortions, I think that a good read would also include other areas).
There was an immediate outcry of dissent. Dissent, for whatever reason, is never to be taken lightly, and when that dissent is against the Vicar of Christ, one is placing oneself in judgement against the Holy Spirit. With Humanae Vitae, too many dissented without even reading this beautiful encyclical. They 'taught' that one's conscience should be the sole guide in the decision to use contraception (except of course when it was rejected, of course). They belittled the Pope's suggestion of Natural Family Planning as unscientific and unsuccessful (such as the Rhythm method which does not work well because a women's fertility is affected by many variables), and mock the successful methods. We have seen the fruits of contraception and the contraceptive mentality: an increase of 'legal' abortions on demand, at all stages of development and by any means including Partial Birth, the spread of pornography including all sorts of perversions, the rift of husband and wife and denigration of the family, the shirking of responsibility of men who father children, a raise in single mothers, cohabitation, perpetual adolescence especially of men, increase in violent crimes, etc. This is not even to delve into the homosexual agenda or the push for euthanasia. We see that our culture says that the only unsafe sexual act is one of complete openness that could result in the transmission of life. Sex is no longer a gift given among two married adults, but a means of taking pleasure. While not all of these fruits may be solely and directly caused by contraception, there are connections. These fruits of dissension, the fruits of contraception are all around us.
On the other side, though, those who embraced Humanae Vitae, have developed methods and understandings in conformity with the Church. The science behind Natural Family Planning is solid, and freeing. By teaching a woman and man the signs of fertility that can be scientifically verified, a true empowerment has occurred. First, it recognizes that God is God, we are not. For grave reason, a couple may refrain for sexual activity during their joint fertile times (about 100 hours a month). But it also can assist a couple in bearing a child. Instead of treating fertility as a disease with pills and latex, NFP treats it as a state of health, a means of being responsible for one's choices. Women are revered. Those practicing NFP have also gained fruits: open and honest dialog (after all, if you can talk about fertility, what can't you talk about), an openness to life and love, an ability to see children as gifts, an ability to see the other as a gift, a profound respect for all humans, and of generosity in other areas of life. Couples practicing NFP have a low divorce rate. In my experience, couples using NFP and their families tend to be happier.
Following the fruits, I know what tree I want for my parishioners! It makes it easy to preach Humanae Vitae, the Theology of the Body, and in reality all that the Church teaches. It makes the recommendation of NFP programs easy. It reminds me that the Holy Spirit is in charge. I believe consensus for Humanae Vitae is building, despite the critical dissenters. It is simply because 40 years of the fruits of dissent have been far too bitter for far too many, while the fruits of assent sweet and refreshing!
With the fortieth anniversary of the publication of Humanae Vitae today (promulgation was actually on the 25th, the Feast of St. James), perhaps we ought to recapture what Pope Paul VI wrote. In Humanae Vitae, for a little review, the Pope taught that there is an inseparable, intrinsic link between union and procreation in every sexual act. He stated that acts rendered infertile by artificial means cease to honor this link, and could not be viewed as moral. He predicted that the embracing of contraception would lead to several evils: The objectification of women (and I would add men), the rift of husband and wife and weakening of family, and the intrusion of the State into other affairs (while he meant forced sterilization and abortions, I think that a good read would also include other areas).
There was an immediate outcry of dissent. Dissent, for whatever reason, is never to be taken lightly, and when that dissent is against the Vicar of Christ, one is placing oneself in judgement against the Holy Spirit. With Humanae Vitae, too many dissented without even reading this beautiful encyclical. They 'taught' that one's conscience should be the sole guide in the decision to use contraception (except of course when it was rejected, of course). They belittled the Pope's suggestion of Natural Family Planning as unscientific and unsuccessful (such as the Rhythm method which does not work well because a women's fertility is affected by many variables), and mock the successful methods. We have seen the fruits of contraception and the contraceptive mentality: an increase of 'legal' abortions on demand, at all stages of development and by any means including Partial Birth, the spread of pornography including all sorts of perversions, the rift of husband and wife and denigration of the family, the shirking of responsibility of men who father children, a raise in single mothers, cohabitation, perpetual adolescence especially of men, increase in violent crimes, etc. This is not even to delve into the homosexual agenda or the push for euthanasia. We see that our culture says that the only unsafe sexual act is one of complete openness that could result in the transmission of life. Sex is no longer a gift given among two married adults, but a means of taking pleasure. While not all of these fruits may be solely and directly caused by contraception, there are connections. These fruits of dissension, the fruits of contraception are all around us.
On the other side, though, those who embraced Humanae Vitae, have developed methods and understandings in conformity with the Church. The science behind Natural Family Planning is solid, and freeing. By teaching a woman and man the signs of fertility that can be scientifically verified, a true empowerment has occurred. First, it recognizes that God is God, we are not. For grave reason, a couple may refrain for sexual activity during their joint fertile times (about 100 hours a month). But it also can assist a couple in bearing a child. Instead of treating fertility as a disease with pills and latex, NFP treats it as a state of health, a means of being responsible for one's choices. Women are revered. Those practicing NFP have also gained fruits: open and honest dialog (after all, if you can talk about fertility, what can't you talk about), an openness to life and love, an ability to see children as gifts, an ability to see the other as a gift, a profound respect for all humans, and of generosity in other areas of life. Couples practicing NFP have a low divorce rate. In my experience, couples using NFP and their families tend to be happier.
Following the fruits, I know what tree I want for my parishioners! It makes it easy to preach Humanae Vitae, the Theology of the Body, and in reality all that the Church teaches. It makes the recommendation of NFP programs easy. It reminds me that the Holy Spirit is in charge. I believe consensus for Humanae Vitae is building, despite the critical dissenters. It is simply because 40 years of the fruits of dissent have been far too bitter for far too many, while the fruits of assent sweet and refreshing!
Bishop-Elect LeVoir's Ordination
I have received notification (though not official yet) that Bishop-Elect LeVoir's ordination is set for September 15, 2008 in New Ulm. More details will follow.
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