Sunday, August 17, 2008

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

In the Lord's ministry, there were people that He seemed to 'lead on', as in this Sunday's Gospel. This pagan women comes begging for help, and he feigns disinterest, unwillingness, and general contempt. He tells her that is is wrong to give her what she wants when there are so many Jews who need Him, but does so in analogy - it is wrong to throw the food out to the dogs while the children are still eating. She respectfully admits that she is not worthy of His help, but that even an indoor dog will accept the scraps that are given to it. Jesus sees that she is sincere with her faith, and grants her request, complimenting her on her deep faith.

In our prayer, we might feel like the Lord is not listening, that He is putting us off. We might need to consider are we asking for something that is good and holy, and if so, are we being persistent? The Lord does answer sincere prayers. Some are: Help me to know You. Show me where I can serve you. In the Sacraments, He hears and responds to the prayer, give me strength, forgive me, renew my heart... Let us be persistent in asking, but always aware that we are made worthy by the the Lord.

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