Showing posts with label New Ulm Diocese. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Ulm Diocese. Show all posts

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Lord sends His apostles, two by two, into the countryside to prepare the people for His message. While they are told to travel light, they are not to travel alone. Following Christ, it would seem, is never an individual task but one that requires companions.
We, too, are called by Christ and sent by Him. We do not travel alone, either. Rather, we follow our vocations with others, even if our particular vocation is individual. We work best when we work together.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The readings for the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time remind us that God does not create or desire death, but seeks to give us life or healing. Consider the crowd, though, pressing in on Jesus. Tens, if not hundreds were pressing in on Him, most likely jostling Him, but none where healed but the woman who had suffered hemorrhages without any healing for 12 years. She touched Him with faith, and was healed. Jairus' daughter, alive as long as that woman suffered, is dead, but Jesus raises her. Both tell us that Jesus can heal us, but we must have faith like the woman or like Jairus and his wife.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist

As we celebrate the Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist, we call to mind that the Lord has a plan for each of us. John knew that task and even in the womb, did it by leaping for joy when our Savior drew near. Most of us are not as wise to know the Lord's plans for us, but we should not lose heart. We remain faithful to the Lord, taking each step toward the Lord, and serve Him wherever we can.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Kingdom of God is like a mighty plant grown from a tiny seed. Its beginning is almost imperceptible, but in time becomes large. In many ways, our recognition of our vocations grow in the same way. A small though is planted in our minds, when the the thought of being called to the priesthood or religious life is not see as something odd or distant but rather possible and life-giving. The thought grows, and we eventually learn we must examine it closer. We might even find ourselves amazed at how it got so large so fast, but find that this is exactly where we ought to be.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Dates and Locations of the Operation Andrew Dinners, 2012

The dates and locations (and RSVP contact) are:
October 8 St. Eloi, Ghent Fr. Jeremy Kucera 507-872-6346
October 24 St. Philip, Litchfield Fr. Joseph Steinbeisser 320-693-3313
November 7 St. Andrew, Fairfax Fr. Jeffery Horesji 506-426-7125

Our New website is up!!!

We are finally live with the new Website for Vocations! Check it out!!!

Discernment Retreat 2012

We are hosting a Discernment retreat for young men and their parents August 10, 2012. The flyer is here, email me at for registration or more information.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity 2012

As we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, the Church gives us time to meditate one of the central beliefs of our Christian faith. God is three Persons, united without confusion in one eternal being. The mystery we celebrate is not what the Trinity does for us, but who the Trinity is. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are united in love. It is a mystery, and we can never think that we have the Holy Trinity completely understood. However, the Trinity can be experienced. While we praise God for who He is, we worship Him because He has revealed himself to us.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Christ is the vine, we are the branches. We cannot do anything without Him, and with Him, all things are possible. He prunes us through His word and through showing us the futileness of our deeds apart from Him, so that we may bear greater fruit in Him.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Parent's Guide for Vocations Update

I just got copies of my book A Parent's Guide for Vocations - I reset the price for $6, but use code 9N9MQ8XC on the check out to get it for $4.50!). I will be giving the parents of our Diocesan seminarians and young women religious a copy.
Not to boast, but the book looks great!!! It is good to see the fruits of my labor, and to hold it in my hands!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Parent's Guide for Vocations

I am just completing my booklet, A Parent's Guide for Vocations, and uploaded it for self-publishing. Price is set $7, with proceeds to go to provide our seminarian and women religious parents a copy, and anything in excess to the Seminarian Aid Fund of the Diocese of New Ulm.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Third Sunday of Easter

This weekend, we hear St. Luke's account of the first Easter Evening. Cleopas and his companion are in the midst of sharing how Christ revealed Himself to them on the way to Emmaus and was made known in the breaking of bread. Christ suddenly appears to them, and proves to them that He is indeed real by not only asking them to touch Him, but eats in front of them. He removes their doubts, and gives them the task of proclaiming Him to all.
Christ can remove our doubts, too. We can find Him in the Eucharist, and we can ask Him to help us to see Him. Seeing Him, then, let us believe and proclaim Him to all the World.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Second Sunday of Easter - Divine Mercy Sunday

The Risen Jesus reveals Himself to the Apostles, breathing the Holy Spirit on them and giving them His authority to forgive sins. St. Thomas, absent from that first appearance, is skeptical. He simply cannot believe the marvelous news of Christ being risen after the cruel death on the Cross. He comes to instant belief seeing Christ the second Sunday!
Are we slow to doubt the good news, to reject the word of others? If so, perhaps we should ask that the Lord would reveal Himself to us like He did to St. Thomas, and pray for the gift of faith.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

Hosanna in the highest… The Lord enters Jerusalem in solemn procession, with people acclaiming Him. Not even a few days later, another procession, but one marked not by joy, but demands for His death. Hosanna, all the same, because by His death and resurrection, we have salvation.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Fourth Sunday of Lent

God loves us… This is the simple truth of the Gospel, a truth captured in today's Gospel. Sometimes, we can forget this love, take it for granted, or reduce it to meaninglessness. But God so loved us that He sent his Son to redeem us. No other god, no other religion makes such a claim! God, the Only God, sent His Son to die for us. Salvation is in Him alone! He desires us to come to faith in Him.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Third Sunday of Lent

Jesus cleanses the Temple, to restore it to its proper use for the worship of God. Over time, perhaps because of the renovation process that Herod the Great began and Herod the Tetrarch continued, sellers and money changers moved into the temple. While they provided a good service to the pilgrims (after all, who always has the proper offering or coins for the sacrifice?), it was not the place. Jesus corrects this.
IN our lives, there might be things, as good as they initially started out, that are equally out of place, preventing us from fulfilling our proper purpose. May the Lord cleanse our hearts!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Second Sunday of Lent

Jesus Christ reveals to Peter, James, and John His divine nature veiled by His Human flesh as a foreshadowing of what is to come. While Christ is to die on the cross, He will be raised from the dead because He is divine. This foreshadowing is one that is frequent - it is how God the Father, who wrote the history of salvation, gives hints of how he is going to save us, gave prophets and seers the glimpse. It is seen in the first reading as Isaac, bound and laid on the altar and nearly sacrificed, Is this not a foreshadowing - the Father will provide His only Begotten Son, who will carry the wood of the Cross, and be attached to it. The Father will raise Him up again, and through His Son, Salvation will be given.
The Father speaks to the apostles with a message for us, too: this is my beloved son - listen to Him!