Showing posts with label Eucharist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eucharist. Show all posts

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Corpus Christi, 2011

How holy is these feast in which Christ is our bread. When we receive the Eucharist, we recall Christ's death and resurrection, being present in mystery at these sacred events, letting them have a profound influence in our lives, grace flooding the interior depths of our lives. We receive a glimpse of the eternity to which Christ calls us, if we are faithful and respond to the loving Father's will for our lives. May we know what we receive, and live what we know.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sixth Sunday in Easter

Christ promises not to leave us orphaned, but will send us an Advocate, the Holy Spirit, who will live in us. That is a source of hope, isn't it, that the Lord will be with us. May we then turn to Him in our decisions, and know His love and presence.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Third Sunday of Easter

Stay with us... Cleopas and his companion beg the unknown companion to continue the conversation that had begun on the way to Emmaus. They can't put words to what they are feeling yet, but this one was speaking truth to them, revealing to them the reason and prophetic utterances of Scripture that say that the Messiah must suffer and die. It was in the Eucharistic breaking of bread (or at least at a meal with strongly Eucharistic themes), that they suddenly realize why their hearts burned within - it was the Risen Lord Jesus. They go forth, despite the hour, and rush back to Jerusalem to share the news.
The Lord continues to walk with us, though certainly not in the same way. If we listen to Him in our prayer, He explains all that is happening. In the Eucharist, He nourishes us, and calls us to action.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time

We are to be salt and light... Just as salt preserves and enhances flavor, we are to preserve the morality of God, and enhance the culture around us with the awareness of God. We are to let the light of Christ, the light of the world, shine forth from us, shining into the darkness of the world still in the grips of sin, and lead others to Christ. We preach Christ Crucified, a message of utter simplicity, and complexity - Christ who saves us by His cross, because of his love for us!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Baptism of the Lord

As Christ is Baptized in the Jordan, He transforms the waters so that they can transform us. He gives us the Sacrament of Baptism that we can be set free from sin and death. But Baptism also begins our Christian Vocation. When we were baptized, we rejected Satan, his works, and his promises, which means that we cannot go back, and we are emersed into Christ's life, death and resurrection.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Fourth Sunday of Advent

His name shall be Jesus... What is in a name? The Angel announces to St. Joseph that the child conceived in the womb of the Virgin Mary is by the Holy Spirit, and that His name will be Jesus - God Saves. Jesus, the Second Person of the Trinity not only is "God with us" Emmanuel, but is the reminder that God longs to save His people. His purpose, is His name.
Few of us are so blessed to have our names reveal our vocations. But the Lord, all the same, calls us my our names. More than an unique identifier, He gives us an unique purpose in life. Like St. Joseph, we are invited to accept Jesus and Mary into our lives, and like him, may we live our vocations out!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Third Sunday in Advent

Rejoice and be glad, Christ reveals Himself as the one who is to come, and provides the proof: The blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead raised, and the poor have the good news proclaimed to them. The Lord Jesus made these happen in His day. He does the same in our day. What proof is He giving to us to show that He is real, and are we able to follow Him?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Second Sunday of Advent 2010

Prepare the way of the Lord... The Baptist's cry, in fact his whole life, was an invitation to the people to prepare their hearts and minds for the Messiah. It is not enough, though, to simply acknowledge one's sins, but to produce the fruits of repentance: Forgiveness, love, charity, just to name a few. We ask the Lord to help us produce those fruits, and we also ask John's intercession, that like him, that we may recognize Christ who comes to us in mystery (John recognized Jesus Christ while in the womb).

Sunday, November 28, 2010

First Sunday of Advent 2010

Stay Awake, be prepared! The Lord tells us that we should keep watch. As we begin Advent, perhaps there are 7 things we out to do:
Eucharistic adoration and Mass
Prepare for Mass by reading the Gospel
Resisting Consumerism
Eating less/Fasting

If we do these, we will be prepared!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Christ the King, 2010

Jesus Christ is our eternal priest and universal king, and the time is coming when He will submit His kingdom to our Heavenly Father. When that time comes, will we be in alignment with Christ, and be submitted with the rest of creation, or stand outside, grinding and wailing our teeth. This good thief in today's Gospel provides a model - he submits himself to Christ, and while his prayer is to simply be remembered, he finds forgiveness and peace.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

The days are coming when we will be challenged in our faith. Jesus warns that the challenge may come from familiar places - our family. When the day comes, will they have enough evidence to convict us of our faith in Jesus Christ? Instead of fear of that day, we are to persevere in the faith, and to trust in the Holy Spirit to give us the words of testimony.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

In our Gospel this weekend, Jesus Christ explains that marriage is a earthly institution, that people marry here, but in Heaven it will not be so - they will be like the angels. Not a merely sentimental statement, Jesus is most likely referring to the fact that the angels exist to praise and worship our Heavenly Father, and they are not created through procreation. This helps us find 'ends' (the philosophical reason) of marriage, unititive and procreative, are for here, and helps us to understand why the Lord would call some men and women to celibacy: as a witness of the way we shall all live in heaven. As we look at the seven brothers in Maccabees, we hear of their faith in the Resurrection, knowing that to break the law to continue to live (at least for now) has eternal consequences. Let us live aware of heaven, and make our decisions in the light of eternity.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

"Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner." When we let the Lord in, when we admit who we are in light of His Holiness, we also begin to let Him work in our lives, justifying (making us right with God) us. He forgive our sins and makes us holy. When we are filled with pride, or when we act like salvation is a mere matter of being better than the other person, we fail to let God help us. This parable of the Pharisee and the Publican draws this out. Interestingly enough, consider the 'prayer' of the Pharisee - he spoke the prayer to himself. Certainly, he had a high opinion of himself! We do not need to be better than the other person, just better than we are!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The rich man, enjoying his wealth and ignoring the beggar at his door, recognizes the beggar too late. As the beggar Lazarus was comforted in Heaven, the rich man was tormented in Hell, eternally separated from God. Still, he begs Abraham to make Lazarus come to his aid. Abraham refuses - it is too late.

Perhaps, more than any other parable, that is a main point of this parable: Now is the time to repent, to change our lives and recognize not only our need for God, but the need of those at our doors. Now is the time to discern God's will for us and to do it. While we may not yet be in a full, lifelong vocation, we can be taking a step to that vocation by listening to the Law and the Prophets.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Assumption 2010

The Blessed Mother is assumed into Heaven, body and soul. It is only fitting, as the most perfect vessel for the Incarnation of Christ, having been prepared from the first moment of her Immaculate Conception. It is not of her own accord, but rather because she said yes to the Lord.


(Icon of the Dormition - the Eastern Churches' term for the Assumption - calling to mind her 'sleeping' and being taken into Heaven. Note that Christ her Son is at her side, along with the Apostles.)

Sometimes, one considering a vocation, forgets that God not only loves those who follow Him, but He takes care of them. He shows His love of the Blessed Mother by honoring her thus, and he will take care of us, too.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Following Jesus Christ requires everything: as he has no place to lay His head, we are asked to have detachment from 'stuff'; as He is the author and giver of life, we are asked to leave the dead; and as we follow Him, we are asked to not look back to what we left behind.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Twelveth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jesus asks a question, "Who do you say that I am?" It is the question every Christian must answer, and from that we must follow Him by taking up our cross daily. If we get the answer wrong, say answering it that He is a mere teacher, a historical man with no real impact other than intellectual pursuit, then following Him makes no sense. But if we answer correctly, knowing that He is both Lord and Savior, we would ultimately be unable to do anything but to follow Him. But first, before we can answer the question, we must experience Jesus Christ - which we do in prayer, sacraments, service, and Scripture. May we know the Lord Jesus, and follow Him always!