Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Moving Day

I apologize for the lateness of the last post. I meant to post earlier, but was in the midst of moving and did not have internet connections. I am now 'almost' moved - with a few things to find a home for. Moving as a priest is difficult - it means learning the customs and histories of the parish and parishioners, learning the new patterns and rhythms of the parish. This move should be relatively easier for me - not only is this the third move as pastor (already in my 8 years of priesthood), but I am now pastor of my home town, and area. I know many of the people and most of the relevant histories. But moving, the emotional and physical part, has been difficult.
I have to admit that I would have never envisioned being here - it is unusual (though not unheard of), that a priest be assigned in his home town. I do not have immediate family here, and of the 2nd cousins, I have more of all over!

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