Sunday, May 20, 2007

Reflection for Ascension

This weekend, in most Dioceses of the United States, we celebrate the feast of the Ascension, having moved its celebration from the fortieth day after Easter (a Thursday). We hear the account from both of St. Luke's writings - Acts of the Apostles and the Gospel according to St. Luke. There are slight variations, basically because Luke wanted to end the Gospel with the Apostles waiting in the Temple area (where the Gospel began) for the coming Spirit. In the Acts, they are sent forth, while still waiting for the Holy Spirit, getting ready for the Mission.

In celebrating the ascension, we recall how Christ ascends into heaven body and soul. Where He has gone, we will follow, He tells us, if we would follow Him and accept His teaching. But we recall that while Christ goes to heaven, but He does not sit idly by. He takes His throne beside the Father, but He is interceding for those who He leaves in this world and sending the Holy Spirit. By themselves, the Apostles would not have had the ability to carry on the message and ministry of Jesus Christ, so they wait, giving praise and glory to God.

We ourselves have been called to 'wait' for the Holy Spirit, to ask for His presence in our lives to empower us to take up our specific vocations. It is the Spirit that leads us and orders us as the Church. During this next week, we should find ourselves like the Apostles, immersed in prayer, waiting for the Power from on High, and preparing for our mission. Come, Holy Spirit, Come.

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