Sunday, June 24, 2018

Nativity of John the Baptist '18 - Purpose

Nativity of John the Baptist '18 - Purpose

Nativity of John the Baptist '18 - Purpose

Posted: 24 Jun 2018 10:32 AM PDT

We celebrate the Birth of John the baptist, whose very purpose, to proclaim the grace of the Messiah, was in his very name. What's our purpose? Readings are found at and Give feedback at

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View From the Ambo June 24

Dear Parishioners,
This weekend we celebrate the birth of John the Baptist (one of three that we celebrate in the Church - Jesus's on December 25th, of course, and Mary's on September 8). We have a vigil Mass in which we hear of the announcement of John's conception, while his father Zachariah, of the priestly division of Abijah, was serving in the temple. The time frame of his service is mid- to late- September. This puts John's birth in late June. In the Annunciation (which we celebrate March 25th), the Blessed Mother is told by the angel Gabriel that Elizabeth is pregnant 6 months (September to March is 6 months) and Mary goes to be with her the last 3 months before John's birth in June! But at the Annunciation, Mary conceived and gave birth to the Lord 9 months later - December! Interesting, right? Sometimes we forget that Tradition of the Church is trustworthy because it wasn't recorded in a way easy to understand. After all, the Evangelists simply could have written that John was born around the Summer Solstice, a day that is fairly immovable and understood across cultures and calendar systems. In the end, it does not matter 'when' these events occurred, but that they 'did' occur. John's birth is the beginning of the announcement of Christ's incarnation! Because of this, this feast is always celebrated, even when it falls on a Sunday as it does this year.
Like John, too, we are called to be heralds of Christ, though we are heralds of Christ's return. We tell others that He is going to return, and that we are called to continuing repentance and preparation. Let's ask John the Baptist's intercession this weekend to be bold heralds of Christ.

In Christ,
Fr. Todd

Sunday, June 17, 2018

11th Sunday B '18 - Courageous

11th Sunday B '18 - Courageous

11th Sunday B '18 - Courageous

Posted: 17 Jun 2018 09:43 AM PDT

Like St. Paul, we are called to walk in faith, courageously sewing seeds. Are we willing to take the time to take the next step? Readings are found at Give feedback at

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View From the Ambo June 17

Dear Parishioners,
Happy Father's day to all Fathers and fatherly men. May the Lord bless you with grace and strength this day!
On another type of father: These last weeks, many dioceses welcomed newly ordained priests throughout he sacrament of Ordination. The diocese of New Ulm did not. It hasn't since 2016, and willl not have another until 2020, when we will have 3 ordained, God willing. In March, Bishop LeVoir wrote a letter in the Prairie Catholic that we will have inserted in the bulletin in the Fall that shares statistics. While the overall number of Catholics decreased modestly (about 12%) since the Diocese's formation, the number of priests has changed drastically (65% decrease). Recently, the Pew Research Group has speculated that about ⅓ of priests will retire or resign in the next 10-15 years. These are sobering facts, aren't they? As a people of hope, and a people who have received the promise that even the Gates of Hell will not prevail, what are we to do? What is the solution? Too many might recommend some temporary solution, a change in practice or doctrine. Some might imply that priests are a commodity that can be simply imported from countries or states with surplus. I think these are too simplistic. I am more deeply convinced that we need the New Evangelization: The reminder that we are all called to be disciples of Jesus Christ, and called to serve Him, some as priests, religious, and deacons, others in holy marriages and dedicated single life. We need our hearts awakened to the reality that the Sacraments are not commodities bought and sold, dispensed by indentured servants of the Church, but the Sacraments are encounters with the Risen Lord, visible signs of God's grace. The solution: Prayer! Pray that we may have hearts and lives open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Pray that our homes would become domestic Churches where our fathers would be humble witnesses to the power of God's love, mothers a living sign of God's care, and children are able to be open to His call. Pray that our parishes and schools may be places of encounter with the Lord, and help all discern God's will.

In Christ,
Fr. Todd

Sunday, June 10, 2018

10 Sunday OT B '18 - Satan's Scheme

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 12:58 PM PDT
Satan is real, and while the war with him is already won by Christ, we battle with him yet, and he uses three schemes: Denial, deception/distortion, and distraction. Our response: the Holy Spirit! Readings are found at Give feedback at
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Sunday, June 3, 2018

Corpus Christi B '18 - Sacrifice

Corpus Christi B '18 - Sacrifice

Posted: 03 Jun 2018 10:06 AM PDT
As we celebrate the Feast to the Body and Blood of Christ, do we recognize sacrifice of Christ and the new Covenant He establishes? Readings are found at Give feedback at
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Thursday, May 31, 2018

Visitation '18 - Seeing Jesus

Visitation '18 - Seeing Jesus

Posted: 31 May 2018 02:16 PM PDT
Mary visits Elizabeth, and she recognizes Jesus in Mary's womb. Do we see Jesus? Do we bring Him to others? This is the last School Mass homily for this school year. Readings are found at Give feedback at
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