Sunday, June 17, 2018

View From the Ambo June 17

Dear Parishioners,
Happy Father's day to all Fathers and fatherly men. May the Lord bless you with grace and strength this day!
On another type of father: These last weeks, many dioceses welcomed newly ordained priests throughout he sacrament of Ordination. The diocese of New Ulm did not. It hasn't since 2016, and willl not have another until 2020, when we will have 3 ordained, God willing. In March, Bishop LeVoir wrote a letter in the Prairie Catholic that we will have inserted in the bulletin in the Fall that shares statistics. While the overall number of Catholics decreased modestly (about 12%) since the Diocese's formation, the number of priests has changed drastically (65% decrease). Recently, the Pew Research Group has speculated that about ⅓ of priests will retire or resign in the next 10-15 years. These are sobering facts, aren't they? As a people of hope, and a people who have received the promise that even the Gates of Hell will not prevail, what are we to do? What is the solution? Too many might recommend some temporary solution, a change in practice or doctrine. Some might imply that priests are a commodity that can be simply imported from countries or states with surplus. I think these are too simplistic. I am more deeply convinced that we need the New Evangelization: The reminder that we are all called to be disciples of Jesus Christ, and called to serve Him, some as priests, religious, and deacons, others in holy marriages and dedicated single life. We need our hearts awakened to the reality that the Sacraments are not commodities bought and sold, dispensed by indentured servants of the Church, but the Sacraments are encounters with the Risen Lord, visible signs of God's grace. The solution: Prayer! Pray that we may have hearts and lives open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Pray that our homes would become domestic Churches where our fathers would be humble witnesses to the power of God's love, mothers a living sign of God's care, and children are able to be open to His call. Pray that our parishes and schools may be places of encounter with the Lord, and help all discern God's will.

In Christ,
Fr. Todd

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