Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Year of the Priest Website

The Congregation for the Clergy has created a website with documents, biographies, and other items for the Year of the Priest.

Purpose for the Year for Priests

The Pope recently stated his reasons for the Year for Priests, as reported by Zenit


VATICAN CITY, 24 JUN 2009 (VIS) - During today's general audience, held in St. Peter's Square, the Pope focused his remarks on the Year for Priests which he inaugurated last Friday, Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and day of prayer for the sanctification of the clergy, and which is intended to mark the 150th anniversary of the death of St. John Mary Vianney.

"Why a Year for Priests?" the Pope asked. "And why should it recall the holy 'Cure of Ars' who apparently did nothing out of the ordinary?"

The Holy Father went on to explain how "Divine Providence ordained that the figure [of St. John May Vianney] should be associated with that of St. Paul" because, "although the two saints followed very different life paths, ... these exists nonetheless a fundamental factor that unites them: their total identification with their ministry, their communion with Christ".

"The aim of this Year for Priests", he went on, "is to support each priest's struggle towards spiritual perfection, 'upon which the effectiveness of his ministry particularly depends', and to help priests, and with them the entire People of God, to rediscover and revive an awareness of the extraordinary and indispensable gift of Grace which the ordained ministry represents, for the person who receives it, for the entire Church, and for the world which would be lost without the real presence of Christ".

"Although the historical and social conditions in which the 'Cure of Ars' worked have changed, it is right to ask how priests can imitate him by identifying themselves with their ministry in modern globalised societies", said the Pope.

"In a world in which the common view of life leaves ever less space for the sacred, in place of which 'functionality' becomes the only decisive category, the Catholic concept of priesthood could risk losing its due regard, sometimes even in the ecclesial conscience".

The Holy Father identified two conceptions of the priesthood, "which do not in fact contradict one another". On the one hand "a social-functional conception which identifies the essence of priesthood with the concept of 'service'. ... On the other hand there is a sacramental-ontological conception" which sees priestly ministry "as determined by a gift called Sacrament, granted by the Lord through the mediation of the Church".

"What", the Pope asked, "does it mean for priests to evangelise? In what does the primacy of announcement exist? ... Announcement coincides with the person of Christ", he said, "a priest cannot consider himself as 'master' of the Word, but as its servant".

"Only participation in Christ's sacrifice, in His 'chenosi', [Note: This means kenosis or self-emptying]... and docile obedience to the Church ... makes announcement authentic. ... Priests are Christ's servants, in the sense that their existence, ontologically configured to Him, have an essentially relational character. The priest is in Christ, for Christ and with Christ at the service of humankind. Precisely because he belongs to Christ, the priest is radically at the service of man".

Benedict XVI concluded by expressing the hope that "the Year for Priests may lead all the clergy to identify themselves completely with Christ Who died and rose again, so that, imitating St. John the Baptist, they may be ready 'to diminish' that He may grow; and that, following the example of the 'Cure of Ars', they may be constantly and profoundly aware of their mission, which is both sign and presence of the infinite mercy of God".
AG/YEAR FOR PRIESTS/...VIS 090624 (580)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Facebook items

If you use Facebook, you can view a new photo album of the Young Men's Discipleship camp. I also set my user name to fr.todd.petersen.

Tips toward vocations recruitment

The National Catholic Register posted an article How to Get More Priests by Tom Hoopes. He asked Dioceses that seemed effective 6 questions, and they all were answered yes. The questions were:

1. Is the Eucharist the center of vocation efforts?

2. Is the diocese unabashed about personally inviting men to be priests?

3. Is the seminary faithful to the magisterium of the Church?

4. Are there many strong and faithful families to draw from?

5. Do young men know and interact with priests?

6. Did young people in the area go to World Youth Day?

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

What drives us? That is the question that ought to be on our minds and hearts this weekend. St. Paul tells us he is compelled by the love of Christ, while the disciples were driven by fear. Certainly, the squall would have been terrible, but they should have already understood that Jesus was the Christ, the Savior of the world. God the Father would not allow Him to die this way. The disciples lacked the trust that Jesus displayed - He was asleep in the middle of the storm, in a sinking boat that was rolling with the wakes. The love of Christ ought to be what drives us. This phrase, in Greek, is most interesting. It could be understood as our love for Christ, Christ's love for us, Christ's love for the Father, or Christ's love for St. Paul's audience (the Corinthians), by extension the Church. Truthfully, it is all four. We are moved to love Christ as a response of His love for us, and for the Church, that He loves the Father. Our vocation is the way we live out this love. So do we follow Him with love, or do we avoid Him out of fear?

Friday, June 19, 2009

Pope's Letter on Year for Priests

The Pope's Letter on Year for Priests was released yesterday. Absolutely beautiful!

Thought from St. John Vianney

What does Jesus Christ do in the Eucharist? It is God who, as our Savior, offers himself each day for us to his Father's justice. If you are in difficulties and sorrows, he will comfort and relieve you. If you are sick, he will either cure you or give you strength to suffer so as to merit Heaven. If the devil, the world, and the flesh are making war upon you, he will give you the weapons with which to fight, to resist, and to win victory. If you are poor, he will enrich you with all sorts of riches for time and eternity. Let us open the door of his sacred and adorable Heart, and be wrapped about for an instant by the flames of his love, and we shall see what a God who loves us can do. O my God, who shall be able to comprehend?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Litany of the Sacred Heart

In honor of the start of the Year for priests, I post the Litany of the Sacred Heart:

Litany of the Sacred Heart

Lord, have mercy ... ... Lord, have mercy
Christ, have mercy ... ... Christ, have mercy
Lord, have mercy ... ... Lord, have mercy

Christ, hear us ... ... Christ, hear us
Christ, graciously hear us. ... ... Christ, graciously hear us.

God the Father in Heaven, ... ... have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
God, the Holy Spirit,
Holy Trinity, One God,

Heart of Jesus, Son of the Eternal Father, ... have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, formed by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mother,
Heart of Jesus, one with the Word of God,
Heart of Jesus, infinite in Majesty,
Heart of Jesus, holy temple of God,
Heart of Jesus, tabernacle of the Most High,
Heart of Jesus, House of God and Gate of Heaven,

Heart of Jesus, aflame with love for us,
Heart of Jesus, source of justice and love,
Heart of Jesus, full of goodness and love,
Heart of Jesus, well-spring of all virtue,
Heart of Jesus, worthy of all praise,
Heart of Jesus, king and center of all hearts,
Heart of Jesus, treasure-house of wisdom and knowledge,
Heart of Jesus, in whom dwells there dwells the fullness of God,
Heart of Jesus, in whom the Father was well pleased,
Heart of Jesus, from whose fullness we have all received,
Heart of Jesus, desire of the eternal hills,
Heart of Jesus, patient and full of mercy,
Heart of Jesus, Generous to all who turn to you,

Heart of Jesus, fountain of life and holiness,
Heart of Jesus, atonement for our sins,
Heart of Jesus, overwhelmed with insults,
Heart of Jesus, broken for our sins,
Heart of Jesus, obedient even to death,
Heart of Jesus, pierced by a lance,
Heart of Jesus, source of all consolation,
Heart of Jesus, our life and resurrection,
Heart of Jesus, our peace and our reconciliation,
Heart of Jesus, victim of our sins
Heart of Jesus, salvation of all who trust in you,
Heart of Jesus, hope of those who die in you,
Heart of Jesus, delight of all the Saints,

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, ...
... spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, ...
... graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, ...
... have mercy on us, O Lord.

V. Jesus, meek and humble of heart. Make our hearts like to Thine.

Let us pray;
We rejoice in the gifts of love
We have received from the heart of Jesus your son.
Open our hearts to share his life
And continue to bless us with his love.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Prayer for Vocations

The Curé d'Ars Prayer Group has a page with a Vocations Prayer through the intercession of St. John Vianney:

A Prayer for Vocations
Through the intercession of St. John Vianney

O God our Father, You promised "I will appoint shepherds for My sheep who will shepherd them so that they need no longer fear and tremble: and none shall be missing." (Jer. 23:4-5). Hear the prayers of Your flock. Through the intercession of Your beloved priest, Saint John Vianney, we beg You to call to the sacramental priesthood generous men who will desire nothing more than to serve You in imitation of Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, our High Priest.

And after You call them, we pray that You sustain the doubtful, console the discouraged, and strengthen the weak as they start the long and demanding preparation for the priesthood.

Mary, Mother of priests, and example of faithful, humble, and joyful acceptance of God's will, help all those who are called to the priesthood to open their ears and hearts to the gentle call of the Holy Spirit.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Who Is A Priest?

Ignatius Insight has reprinted an article Who Is A Priest? by Fr. Benedict Ashley, O.P. At quick reading, seems to be thorough and yet concise at the same time.

To preach well is to...

Insight Scoop posted an article about a book by Fr. Peter John Cameron, O.P., Why Preach: Encountering Christ in God's Word. The article stresses that a preachers task is speaking of the vocation of all men. They quote Pope Benedict, "The aim of preaching is to tell man who is and what he must do to be himself. Its intention is to disclose to him the truth about himself, that is, what he can base his life on and what he can die for."

Monday, June 15, 2009

Logos Bible Software for Catholics

Logos Software has released software for Catholic users. See their Logos Bible Software Blog. For more information, check out their Product Guide - Catholic Resources page, too.

I have used their software in the past (on PC's) while in seminary. It was easy to use and had great sources for Scripture studies. They recently released a Mac Version of the software platform. As I have and use a Mac, I have not used the Mac version, and am looking at purchasing in the future (but which version?).

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Feast of Corpus Christi

The feast of Corpus Christi allows us the time to remember the importance of the Blessed Sacrament, the Eucharist. Because we formally celebrate the Institution of the Eucharist on Holy Thursday, a day marked by not only the gift of the Eucharist and the example of love in Jesus' washing of feet, but a day mired in betrayal and denial, the Church gives us this day to remember. In some parts of the world, it is still celebrated on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday, but in our country, we celebrate it this weekend.

As Pope John Paul II stated, every Mass is a cosmic event, that we gather with the angels and saints of all time and places. Vatican II's document Lumen Gentium, states that the Eucharist is the source and summit of our Christian lives. It is a foretaste of the eternal banquet of the Lord, and therefore also the impetus to live our lives in such a way that we can be there! Every Eucharistic encounter is a call to holiness. We hear Christ calling us, leading us as He did the saints who have gone before us.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Eucharist and Vocations

Just a thought from Ecclesia de Eucharistia:

¶ 31. If the Eucharist is the centre and summit of the Church's life, it is likewise the centre and summit of priestly ministry. For this reason, with a heart filled with gratitude to our Lord Jesus Christ, I repeat that the Eucharist “is the principal and central raison d'être of the sacrament of priesthood, which effectively came into being at the moment of the institution of the Eucharist”.

Priests are engaged in a wide variety of pastoral activities. If we also consider the social and cultural conditions of the modern world it is easy to understand how priests face the very real risk of losing their focus amid such a great number of different tasks. The Second Vatican Council saw in pastoral charity the bond which gives unity to the priest's life and work. This, the Council adds, “flows mainly from the Eucharistic Sacrifice, which is therefore the centre and root of the whole priestly life”. We can understand, then, how important it is for the spiritual life of the priest, as well as for the good of the Church and the world, that priests follow the Council's recommendation to celebrate the Eucharist daily: “for even if the faithful are unable to be present, it is an act of Christ and the Church”. In this way priests will be able to counteract the daily tensions which lead to a lack of focus and they will find in the Eucharistic Sacrifice – the true centre of their lives and ministry – the spiritual strength needed to deal with their different pastoral responsibilities. Their daily activity will thus become truly Eucharistic.

The centrality of the Eucharist in the life and ministry of priests is the basis of its centrality in the pastoral promotion of priestly vocations. It is in the Eucharist that prayer for vocations is most closely united to the prayer of Christ the Eternal High Priest. At the same time the diligence of priests in carrying out their Eucharistic ministry, together with the conscious, active and fruitful participation of the faithful in the Eucharist, provides young men with a powerful example and incentive for responding generously to God's call. Often it is the example of a priest's fervent pastoral charity which the Lord uses to sow and to bring to fruition in a young man's heart the seed of a priestly calling.

Sequence for Corpus Christi

For our prayer, I offer you the Sequence for Corpus Christi, written by St. Thomas Aquinas.

Sion, lift thy voice and sing;
Praise thy Savior and thy King;
Praise with hymns thy Shepherd true:
Dare thy most to praise Him well;
For He doth all praise excel;
None can ever reach His due.
Special theme of praise is thine,
That true living Bread divine,
That life-giving flesh adored,
Which the brethren twelve received,
As most faithfully believed,
At the Supper of the Lord.

Let the chant be loud and high;
Sweet and tranquil be the joy
Felt to-day in every breast;
On this festival divine
Which recounts the origin
Of the glorious Eucharist.

At this table of the King,
Our new Paschal offering
Brings to end the olden rite;
Here, for empty shadows fled,
Is reality instead;
Here, instead of darkness, light.

His own act, at supper seated,
Christ ordained to be repeated,
In His memory divine;
Wherefore now, with adoration,
We the Host of our salvation
Consecrate from bread and wine.

Hear what holy Church maintaineth,
That the bread its substance changeth
Into Flesh, the wine to Blood.
Doth it pass thy comprehending?
Faith, the law of sight transcending,
Leaps to things not understood.

Here in outward signs are hidden
Priceless things, to sense forbidden;
Signs, not things, are all we see:-
Flesh from bread, and Blood from wine;
Yet is Christ, in either sign,
All entire confessed to be.

They too who of Him partake
Sever not, nor rend, nor break,
But entire their Lord receive.
Whether one or thousands eat,
All receive the selfsame meat,
Nor the less for others leave.

Both the wicked and the good
Eat of this celestial Food;
But with ends how opposite!
Here 'tis life; and there 'tis death;
The same, yet issuing to each
In a difference infinite.

Nor a single doubt retain,
When they break the Host in twain,
But that in each part remains
What was in the whole before;
Since the simple sign alone
Suffers change in state or form,
The Signified remaining One
And the Same forevermore

Lo! upon the Altar lies,
Hidden deep from human eyes,
Angels' Bread from Paradise
Made the food of mortal man:
Children's meat to dogs denied;
In old types foresignified;
In the manna from the skies,
In Isaac, and the Paschal Lamb.

Jesu! Shepherd of the sheep!
Thy true flock in safety keep.
Living Bread! Thy life supply;
Strengthen us, or else we die;
Fill us with celestial grace:
Thou, who feedest us below!
Source of all we have or know!
Grant that with Thy Saints above,
Sitting at the Feast of Love,
We may see Thee face to face. Amen

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Year of the New Priest

Tim Drake has written an article for the National Catholic Register entitled Year of the New Priest. It's worth a read, too.

Heart of a Priest

The National Catholic Register (always a great read!) has a wonderful article on Heart of a Priest by Joseph Pronechen, reflecting on the priesthood in the light of the Sacred Heart and Year of the Priest.

"The day is a perfect reminder to renew this devotion to Jesus, while also remembering the “special sons” of his Sacred Heart."

Msgr. Stuart Swetland says, “We see that in the tenderness and mercy embodied in Jesus’ heart... He also reveals to us how we can be and should be, especially how we are to be tender and merciful to others.”

Jesus makes our vocation clear. “We see both the divine and human aspects,” says Msgr. Swetland. “We see God’s mercy shining through and God’s call for us to be merciful.”

The priest acts “in persona Christi to reveal the merciful love of the Father through the sacrament of reconciliation, through the Eucharist... In his pastoral zeal, he reveals God’s mercy.”

It’s the Year of the Priest. Have you commended to the Sacred Heart a priest close to your heart lately?

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Vocations Views New Edition

I just posted the Vocations Views - Current Edition online. Either Option click to download or click to read online.

Trinity Sunday

This weekend, we celebrate the key doctrine of our Christian Faith: The Trinity. We are monotheistic - we believe in only one God. But our God is three Persons. Three persons perfectly united in one substance or existence. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all God. Jesus Christ reveals Himself as God, and reveals the Father and the Spirit. These names are not simple names of modes - how God is revealed - but names of persons, and their internal relationship. It is not sufficient, as the Church has reminded us, to replace the 'traditional' names with other such Creator, Redeemer, Sanctifier (to avoid 'patriarchal' language) because these reduce the Persons to activity, and when One Person is active, all members of the Trinity are active in their own way! The Father begets the Son eternally, and the Son is eternally begotten (but not made or created), and the Spirit proceeds from them both eternally. In love, they are one existence, three persons perfectly united.

This feast reminds us that God invites us into communion - we are created in the image and likeness of God. May we follow the example of the Trinity in loving others, and respond to His call in lives of service.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Boys' Summer Camp

We are pleased to be offering a summer camp for boys again this year. Fr. Timmerman and I are the directors. Held at the Youth Center south of Renville, it will begin at 9:30 am on the 18th of June and end on the 19th at 5 pm. Space is limited.

We have taken as our theme "Sword of the Spirit", and will focus on the year of St. Paul, and introduce the year for priests (which actually begins on the second day of camp. It will include prayers to the Sacred Heart, Mass, Liturgy of the Hours, and lots of play and good, solid conversation about our faith and what it means to be a true man.

Get the application here. You also need The Code of Conduct and medical forms.