Sunday, December 23, 2012

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Blessed are you who believed that what the Lord promised would be fulfilled. Elizabeth pronounces this blessing on the Blessed Mother. She was probably aware of the fact that her own husband, despite his seeing the angel Gabriel who announced the conception of her son, doubted. Perhaps she was aware that in her own prayer that she had placed faith in the promise.
Are we blessed to believe the promises of the Lord ourselves?

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Third Sunday of Advent

What should we do? The question is asked of John the Baptist as people become aware of the nearness of the Christ. John responds to all with a common theme - acts of charity and morality. This advent, we, too, are invited too respond to God's call in our lives.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Second Sunday of Advent

Prepare the way, make straight the path. John the Baptist's message is clear, but it is not about the physical preparations of roads. It is about spiritual paths. Lower the mountains of pride and anxiety. Raise the valleys of despair and lack of charity. Straighten the paths to our hearts. Of course, it is the grace of God working in us that make this possible. When we do, we are able to respond more readily to the Lord.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Solemnity of Christ the King

Jesus Christ is King, but not in the way in which we so often reduce kings. He is King, but not of a political or geographical kingdom. Rather, He is King of those who hail Him as Lord of their lives and hearts, and the time is coming when He will be made king of all creation, subjecting everything to Himself and offering it to His Father for all eternity. We are already subjects of that good King, and we are invited to proclaim Him for all to hear. Viva Christa Rey!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

We do not know when, but we do know that this world will end. It will be a day beyond all comprehension, awesome and terrifying. But for the faithful, of those that do the will of God, it will be a day that does not bring horror, but of confidence. We need to live our lives in conformity to that day, that when it comes, we can stand before the Son of Man with hearts free from sin and attachment to sin.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

The widow, with so little means, gives freely of her want. She gives as an act of love of God, and does not do so for show our out of pride. Whatever we give, whether our time, talent, or treasure, we should give out of love of God ourselves. We should not look for accolades or any other reason.