Sunday, October 23, 2011
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
We tend to make things so difficult, but in the end, only one thing is required: That we lave. But even that, we make complicated, but thinking love is something it is not. It is not an emotion, not a feeling of benevolence. It is an act of benevolence - and choice of the will to act for the best. Love is not easy, but it is not any more complicated than that. So let us choose to love, until those choices become who we are!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Seeking to trick Jesus, the pharisees propose a dilemma of strict adherence to the Jewish law and supporting a regime that believed it was headed by a son of God. Jesus cuts threw the dilemma by telling them they should give to Caesar only what was due (his coins), but to God the rest. What a response! In discerning a vocation, we must be willing to look at our lives in such a way - what is eternal, of God, and meaningful, versus what is transitory, earthly, and minuscule. Giving the best to the Lord, and the rest where is falls, will guarantee we find our vocations.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Lord invites us to a great feast, and we must give a response. Not giving an answer is a response. Saying no is a response. Killing the messenger is a response. But the Lord desires us to accept the invitation and come to Him. But we must also prepare our hearts for this banquet by putting on hearts and lives that love Him.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
The loving Father has created all that surrounds us. He asks for the proper share of our labor - our thanksgiving, our praise, our worship. How easy it is to become 'practical atheists' - to profess belief in God, but to live without any reference to Him (except maybe an hour or so a week). The Lord is jealous for us - we belong to Him, not the world He created for us. Let us give Him the proper produce of what He has given us: hearts that long for Him.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
ZENIT - Pope's Address to German Seminarians
On his recent trip to Germany, Pope Benedict XVI gave a speech to seminarians. Here are some highlights:
The seminary is therefore a time for training; also, of course, a time for discernment, for learning: does he want me for this? The mission must be tested, and this includes being in community with others and also of course speaking with your spiritual directors, in order to learn how to discern what his will is. And then learning to trust: if he truly wants this, then I may entrust myself to him.
A time for discernment, a time for learning, a time for vocation ... and then, naturally, a time for being with him [Jesus Christ], a time for praying, for listening to him. Listening, truly learning to listen to him -- in the word of sacred Scripture, in the faith of the Church, in the liturgy of the Church -- and learning to understand the present time in his word.
Studying is essential: only thus can we stand firm in these times and proclaim within them the reason for our faith. And it is essential that we study critically -- because we know that tomorrow someone else will have something else to say -- while being alert, open and humble as we study, so that our studying is always with the Lord, before the Lord, and for him.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Father calls us to virtue, and we have to respond. Ideally, we would say yes to the Lord, and live virtuously. But even if we initially say 'no' the Lord invites us to conversion, to say 'yes'. In the end, it is not the ones who simply say yes that will be saved, but the ones who do what He requires. While there is still breath, there is still a chance for conversion. And what does a life converted to the Lord look like? It looks like Jesus Christ, who humbled himself and set aside the rights He had a the Son of God to become a slave for us. The Lord is not calling us to abandon our humanity, but rather to embrace it as Jesus Christ embraced it. He is calling us to empty ourselves of pride, and to serve one another.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Lord invites us to work in the vineyard, and He is generous. Whether we start in the morning and bear the day's heat, or respond in the last hour, the reward is the same because there is nothing greater than a life with Christ in eternity. It is not when we respond to the invitation, but that we respond.
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