Wednesday, August 15, 2018

A Runner's Prayer

Some may be aware that I have found great stress-relief in running. In addition to dealing with the stress of being a pastor with all its concerns and the unique situations that I find, it is helping me unite body and soul, as I pray (typically the rosary, even) and pay attention to the various emotions and feelings of each body part. Saturday, during my morning run, I found myself praying a powerful prayer to do just that. It went something like this:

Come, Holy Spirit, be the breath in my lungs,
May I keep my mouth silent and my ears listening.
Make my feet go in the direction pleasing to You,
and my hands carry nothing but the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
May my knees ache for the prayers that I am to offer this day.
Let my back an offering of labor to you.
Let me shoulder Christ's cross with strength.
May the blood pulsing through my veins help me long for Christ,
and may each heart beat be a song of praise. Amen.

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