Sunday, January 15, 2012

Second Sunday In Ordinary Time

Speak. Lord, your servant is listening! Samuel opens his ears and heart to the Lord, who called to him but he did not recognize who was calling. He lived in a time and culture when, as the verses before this reading relate, revelations were infrequent and visions rare. But the Lord was calling - the people were accustomed to not listening. Even Eli, the priest, missed the signs the first two times. But the beauty is that once he realizes what is going on, he is able to instruct Samuel, who then never ceases to listen to the Lord.
Andrew does not struggle with listening to the God. He, as a follower of John the Baptist, hears John point of Christ Jesus, calling Him the Lamb of God. He follows Jesus. When asked what he is looking for, he answers not with a desire to see the house of Jesus, but to know Him, to see where he lives. Andrew finds Simon, and tells him. Simon and Andrew both are able to hear the Lord, and they in turn help others.
We live in time that has distanced the Lord, by and large. But we have some people like Eli, John the Baptist, and Andrew. They can help us listen to the voice of the Lord, and help us to open our hearts to Him.

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