Recently, we have been led to believe that Jesus would never have done anything to upset people's 'peace'. It is as if Jesus' only mission was to proclaim a message of peace and love, without anything like sacrifice or struggle. An unfortunate side effect of his message is that warring people put him to death. So often, this 'peace' is defined as a state of getting along, allowing others the 'freedom' to sin. They fail to see that Jesus is the Son of God, the Word made flesh.
What we read in the Gospel passage this weekend should confuse those who mave such a mistaken view of Jesus Christ. We read that Jesus came to bring fire and division. He states that his mission was not to bring peace (perhaps the only minorly upset status quo). We know that Jesus was upset the dove cart and turn a few money tables. Yet, he is called the Prince of Peace.
Perhaps that is not the world's understanding of peace that Jesus brings! After all, in the Hebrew understanding shalom - peace - is not the mere absense of war or a plodding along. It is a state of complete harmony, when all things are in their place and proper proportions. This peace the result of a life lived with God, lived in the fire of the Holy Trinity's love for us, of knowing that we are pilgrims and sojourners in this world. But we know that there are some who choose not to live with Christ. How can they not be separated and divided from those that do. There will be divisions from those who are not 'on-fire' for God. This we can expect. That being the case, this does not give us permission to take up the sword. No, we strive in the same way to bring the Fire of Christ to the lost, including members of our families. While we may not experience the passing peace of the world, we will know the love of God which brings the true and eternal peace. While there will be division of those that follow Christ and those that do not, those that truly follow Christ will know true peace.
Priests can easily fall into the trap of wanting to maintain 'peace', instead of bringing the peace of Christ even if that means division of the sheep and wolves. But this will fail. We must be bearers of fire, lighting the world for Christ. We are called to spread the flames!
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