Sunday, May 22, 2022

6th Sunday Easter 2022 - Advocate

Jesus promises to sen the Advocate - the Holy Spirit - who will comfort and defend us. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Readings are found at Give feedback at

Sunday, May 15, 2022

5th Sunday Easter 2022 - New

There will be a time when all will end, but the Lord is doing something new. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Readings are found at Give feedback at

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Good Shepherd Sunday 2022 - Phony

Jesus Christ is the voice that leads us to life. But the world offers a phony voice that lies. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Readings are found at Give feedback at

Sunday, May 1, 2022

3rd Sunday Easter 2022 - Affection

#Jesus #Christ asks Simon Peter if he loves Him, but the questions, and Peter’s answers, are more than they appear. We, too, are asked how we love Jesus.. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Readings are found at Give feedback at

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Divine Mercy Sunday

Divine Mercy Sunday Divine Mercy Sunday, we are encouraged to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet:

Here's How: Make the Sign of the Cross Pray the Opening Prayers The second prayer is repeated three times:"You expired, Jesus, but the source of life gushed forth for souls, and the ocean of mercy opened up for the whole world. O Fount of Life, unfathomable Divine Mercy, envelop the whole world and empty Yourself out upon us.""O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of mercy for us, I trust in You!" (three times) Pray the Our Father Pray the Hail Mary Say the Apostles' Creed Pray the Prayer "Eternal Father" On the Our Father bead before each decade, pray the following prayer: "Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world. Amen."Pray the Prayer "For the Sake of His Sorrowful Passion" Ten Times On each of the Hail Mary beads in each decade, pray the following prayer: "For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world."Repeat Steps 6 and 7 On each of the next four decades of the Chaplet, repeat steps 6 and 7 (pray the Eternal Father, followed by ten "For the Sake of His Sorrowful Passion"). Pray the Concluding Doxology Three Times After you have prayed all five decades of the Chaplet, pray the following prayer, which is repeated three times: "Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world." (three times)Pray the Closing Prayer After the doxology, pray the following final prayer: "Eternal God, in Whom mercy is endless, and the treasury of compassion inexhaustible, look kindly upon us, and increase Your mercy in us, that in difficult moments, we might not despair, nor become despondent, but with great confidence, submit ourselves to Your holy will, which is Love and Mercy Itself. Amen."End With the Sign of the Cross

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Ninth Day of the Divine Mercy Novena (Easter Saturday)

Ninth Day of Divine Mercy Novena (Easter Saturday) Divine Mercy Novena - Ninth Day - Prayer for Ninth Day of Divine Mercy Novena Most compassionate Jesus, You are Compassion Itself. I bring lukewarm souls into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart. In this fire of Your pure love, let these tepid souls who, like corpses, filled You with such deep loathing, be once again set aflame. O Most Compassionate Jesus, exercise the omnipotence of Your mercy and draw them into the very ardor of Your love, and bestow upon them the gift of holy love, for nothing is beyond Your power. Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon lukewarm souls who are nonetheless enfolded in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. Father of Mercy, I beg You by the bitter Passion of Your Son and by His three-hour agony on the Cross: Let them, too, glorify the abyss of Your mercy. Amen.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Eighth Day of Divine Mercy Novena (Easter Friday)

Divine Mercy Novena - Ninth Day - Prayer for Ninth Day of Divine Mercy Novena Most compassionate Jesus, You are Compassion Itself. I bring lukewarm souls into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart. In this fire of Your pure love, let these tepid souls who, like corpses, filled You with such deep loathing, be once again set aflame. O Most Compassionate Jesus, exercise the omnipotence of Your mercy and draw them into the very ardor of Your love, and bestow upon them the gift of holy love, for nothing is beyond Your power. Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon lukewarm souls who are nonetheless enfolded in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. Father of Mercy, I beg You by the bitter Passion of Your Son and by His three-hour agony on the Cross: Let them, too, glorify the abyss of Your mercy. Amen.