Sunday, August 12, 2007

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Our readings this weekend each present a message of faith. In the first reading, we hear how the Hebrews held faith that God would keep His oath with the Passover. In the second reading, we hear of Abraham, how he had faith to follow God into the unknown. In the Gospel, we hear Jesus telling the disciples about faith in several 'episodes'. First, he tells them to have faith in God, not in their own wealth (which in fact they are asked to give away). They are asked to be faithful in waiting, like servants for the Master's return. The ones who do what the Master desires will be rewarded.

With our vocations, we are invited to be like the Hebrews - to trust in the promise of the Lord and to take a step of faith. Perhaps the image of servants should provide for us the example. While we wait for Christ's return, we are to keep working and doing what is good and holy. While we may not know with absolute certainty in our first steps, we will receive confirmation like Abraham did.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Source of Parish Renewal

In an article from Catholic News Agency, the recent Homily of Archbishop Jose Maria Arancedo of Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz is adressed. He said that the first requirement of a parish priest is to be “an authentic disciple of Jesus Christ, because only a priest in love with the Lord can renew a parish.” Based on the life of St. John Vianney, Cure of Ars, he stated that the most important task of priests is to be pastors of parishes.

“In the parish, a priest lives the mission of Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, in a full and concrete way,” through which shines forth “the entire ecclesial dimension of the person and ministry of the pastor.”

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

In the Parable of the Rich Fool, Jesus tells the disciples that they should avoid greed. The man has a good harvest, and without a hint of gratitude or awareness of where, ultimately, the harvest has come from, he makes plans for a bigger barn, which then will allow him to rest, eat, drink, and be merry. This man has claimed things as idols, he is prideful, and complete lacking gratitude.

We can be the same way - we can get greedy, and worse, forgetful of the goodness of God who has given us these good things in the first place. The antidote to greed - to remember God and to be grateful. So often, I have heard of people discerning their vocation. In asking them to describe the discernment, they often seem forget who it is that is calling them. While it is 'my' vocation, it is God's gift to 'me' for the world. So it is not mine for simply me. When we discern God's vocation to us, we need to remember that like the harvest of the rich man, it is not hoarded, but rather to be shared.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Reflection on the 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time

In our readings for Mass on this Sunday, we hear of the power of prayer, especially intercessory prayer. As Abraham interceded for the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, he pleads with God for a people that most likely he does not know. He, like Moses does, stands in the breach. He begs for mercy for those in those towns, if God could find some good people there. We know, though, that God did not find the ten people, so God warned Lot and his wife and daughters and sons-in-laws (six total).

In the Gospel, we hear Luke's account of the giving of the Our Father. Due to its shorter length, it is thought by some that this is an early 'edition' of the prayer of the community. Such a teaching, though, is not a necessary conclusion. Perhaps it was an early or purposefully shorter form from Jesus Christ Himself. All the same, the passage speaks of the importance of prayer and persistence in that prayer. Prayer is not the mumbling of words, but rather about communication with God. The disciples ask for Jesus to teach them to pray, having just seen him praying. He responds. In the Lord's prayer, we have a perfect example of this communication, as well as the perfect prayer itself. It invites us into a relationship with God as Father - the giver and protector of life. It invites us to honor, literally to make holy, God's name. We ask that His Kingdom would be established, and that He would provide for all our needs. We ask for forgiveness, knowing that we ourselves must forgive. And we ask to be spared from the final test. Jesus uses this as a opportunity to tell them about the need for persistence. God hears the prayers of those who ask, seek, and knock.

When we are praying and discerning God's will for our lives, we must be persistent. God is good and hears our prayers, but sometimes His answer is delayed or overlooked. By being persistent, by asking that our will be purified by His will for our lives, we will come receive the answer, find the path, and have the door opened to our vocation.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Reflection on the 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time

This weekend, we hear of the episode of Martha and Mary hosting Jesus in their home. Martha is busy about the details of hospitality, while Mary is busy about being hospitable by being with Jesus.

Some might suggest that there is a dichotomy between the doing and the being, but to reduce this episode to such a false dichotomy is ridiculous. After all, it is assumed that even Martha had to take a break every once and a while to listen to Jesus (how did she meet him, otherwise). Mary, too, had to have helped out at least once and a while. No, the point of this is finding the balance between the two.

So often, the complaint is leveled against those that are attracted to Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament as being lazy or wasteful, especially when there are hungry or hurting people in the world. Some would suggest that spending time in prayer is not as valuable as working. But to 'update' an old adage, all work and no pray makes one a poor witness. No, the better part is to spend time in pray, to get to know Jesus Christ, and then from that encounter to go out and serve the needs of others. Think of Blessed Theresa of Calcutta who spent hours in Adoration every day, and went out and served the people, able to see the same face of Christ in the people she served as in the Eucharist she adored and received! Or think of Mary Jo Copeland, a local heroine of the poor and downtrodden, who reportedly spends hours in prayer and Mass every morning, and then literally washes the feet of those that come to her meal site. The time these great women spent in prayer bears fruit in their activities. There is no division - both are necessary, both are goods. But it is finding the balance.

As one discerns a vocation, it is this balance that becomes part of the question. Aware that both prayer (being with Jesus) and activity (working for Jesus) are a part of every vocation, it is the proportion that God has invited us to that helps us discern between religious life and diocesan priesthood, and between one religious community or the other. Paying attention to our desire for communion with Christ ought to deepen our desire to serve Him in the needs of our brothers and sisters. May we choose the better part!

Monday, July 16, 2007

SQPN » That Catholic Show #6 : You Are A Priest Forever

In a post at SPQN, they have posted a video podcast on the priesthood entitled You Are A Priest Forever. It's opening is a little tongue-in-cheek, but is well done. No iPod is required, just view it online or download it into iTunes.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Reflection on the 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time

This weekend's Gospel reading contains perhaps one of the most famous of parables - the Good Samaritan. The parable is told as a response to the question "Who is my neighbor that I am to love?". Jesus tells the story that would have stung the minds and hearts of the Jewish listeners. A man falls victim to robbers while traveling down the treacherous road to Jericho. He is left for dead. The fact that the priest and Levite pass by was not necessarily because they did not care, but rather did not wish to become 'unclean' by touching blood at the least or perhaps even a dead man. If they did, they would not be able to participate in the activities in the Temple area. But the third passerby was Samaritan - the descendant of the remainder of the Jewish people left in the land during the Babylonian exile who intermarried the pagans in the area, thus in the eyes of the Jews who eventually returned, half-breeds who polluted and diluted the Jewish law and practice. This Samaritan sees the man and tends to the wounds with the medicines of the time (wine as an acid/alcohol would cleanse the wound, while oil would have a salve quality to keep air out of the wound). He takes the man, on his own beast, to Jericho, and checks him into the inn and vowing to pay anything that is left on his return. So Jesus asks who was the neighbor - it is the one who helped, despite political/geographic/cultural/religious differences.

One of my favorite interpretations of this by an early Church Father (but I cannot remember who at this time) tells us that Jesus is the Samaritan, who comes to us and rescues us from the ravages of the world. He heals us, and carries us on the cross, and will return!

So what does this tell about a vocation? We are not sent just to people around us, but to all in need. We are called to bring the healing of Jesus Christ to everyone, even those that would not naturally be our neighbor. We need to move out of our comfort zones to care for others - to get dirt under our fingernails, as a friend put it. The days of pampered priests is over (if it ever existed). I am overwhelmed by the stories of the pioneer priests who labored in our country, even giving their lives, for the people they were called to serve. Are we willing to become a neighbor?